The Opportunity To Join The Team

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of our mission to change the world one bottle at a time. The next step for Win Win is to develop a full production and manufacturing process in the UK to allow national distribution, and we need your support to do it. 

Why Invest

Our Mission

Our mission is to tackle the problem our single use plastic bottle market has created. With plastic pollution now a noticable, sizeable problem and microplastic research becoming ever more concerning, we aim to offer the market a solution to plastic pollution.

Revolutionary Technology

Our bottle is made from 100% plant based materials, all natural, sustainably farmed through organic land. It contains no harmful toxins, fossil fuels and biodegrades in just 90 days. With your support we can flush the market of harmful single use PET plastic and help the market flow into a birghter, healthier, sustainable future.  

Giving Back

Our company values are people & planet, simple. We want to be 100% transparent in everything we do, including our bottle lifespan. Our company simply gives life back to the planet and the people on it.  

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